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NoodleTools: How to Guide: Create & Use Notecards

How to Create Notecards

Once you create and open a new project in NoodleTools, there are two ways to create and access your notecards: the Notecards and Sources screens. Since you can view and edit all of your notecards in either screen, you’ll find that you develop a preference for working in either the Notecards or Sources screen as you take notes.

How to create a new notecard

If a notecard is created from the Sources screen, it is automatically associated with a particular source. A “thought card” (a notecard that contains your own thoughts or a reminder to yourself, not tied to any reference in your source list) can only be created from the Notecards screen.

1. On the Notecards screen, click +New above the Notecard Tabletop.

New Notecard in the Sources screen

Alternatively, on the Sources screen, click “New” in the Notecards column next to a reference.

New notecard for an existing source

2. A new notecard opens for editing.

Edit screen for new notecard

3. In the Title field, choose a short description (1-3 words) that represent the main idea of the notecard. You might choose to wait and decide on a good title for the notecard once you’ve filled in the notecard content, like your paraphrase or summary.
4. Select the source from the Source dropdown list and specify the URL and page numbers if any in the fields to the right.
5. Copy and paste the source material into the Direct quotation field ("Copy, paste and annotate here").

Some helpful hints:

  • Copying the original material will assure that you will always be able to reread or review the author’s words and logic even after you have returned a book or closed a webpage.
  • Aim to put one idea into each notecard (as opposed to just copying an entire article into the field).
  • Images and videos on the Web can be embedded in your notecard within this field.
  • Take the time to reread and mark up the author’s words with text colors and highlighting; the better you understand the quote, the easier it will be to paraphrase or summarize the author’s idea in the “Paraphrase or summary” field. 
  • In the Paraphrase or Summary field ("In your own words"), your instructor may provide specific directions for what is required in terms of paraphrasing or summarizing the material you collect. If you are working on an independent project use this box to help you to process the information you have copied and annotated in the first box. Then record your thoughts, feelings, and ideas for following up with additional research in the My Ideas field ("Original thinking here"). These are the responses that help you develop a personal perspective. 
  • For hints about paraphrasing, summarizing, or recording your own ideas, click the ? next to each of the fields to see additional prompts for what to include.

6. Add new tags or select previously added tags from My tags in the field to the right. Tags will help you to organize your notes.
7. When you edit a notecard, your changes are automatically saved. To revert to an earlier version, click "Manage versions." A new window will display the current version and previously saved versions. To select an earlier version, click the date and time of the version to revert the notecard to that version saved. To return to your notecard, click "Manage versions." 
8. Click Save and Close to close the notecard. 

On the Notecards screen, the new notecard appears in the upper left corner of your tabletop view. On the Sources screen, you can show or hide notecards for a particular reference by clicking “Show” or “Hide” in the Notecards column.

New notecard on tabletop

How to Edit a Notecard

1. On the Notecard Tabletop view, hover over a notecard (or long-press a notecard on an iPad) and click Edit.

Editing a notecard

On the Notecard Detail view, click Edit at the lower right corner of any notecard in the middle panel.

Detail of notecard edit screen

On the Sources screen, in the Notecard column, click “Show” to view the notecard, then select Edit on the notecard's Options menu. 

Editing a notecard in the Sources screen

2. When you finish editing the notecard, click Save to save your changes and close the window.

How to Change a Notecard's Title

The simplest method of changing a notecard’s title is to click on the title on the tabletop, enabling in-place editing of the text. Click outside the title (or press Enter) to save the change.

Changing the title of a notecard

Create and Edit Notecards in NoodleTools

Notecards in file box - Britannica ImageQuestOn this page:

How to create notecards
How to edit a notecard
How to change a notecard's title

And on the next section of this page, learn:  How to Use Notecards

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